Friday 4th October 2024
    Difficulty: Very easy

    Kisses on text messages (Quiz #686)

    Photo by <a href="">Arun Kuchibhotla</a>
    Photo by Arun Kuchibhotla (Unsplash)

    Questions on the etiquette of adding kisses to text messages (including WhatsApp and other text-based communications). Inspired by an article on (link when you've finished the quiz).

    1. If you add a kiss to a text message, should it be lowercase (x) or uppercase (X)?

    2. On the question of how many kisses to add, the author (who is a gay man) adds three for his sister, two for his mother, many for his boyfriend?

    3. What is the advice on using the kiss-hug combination of "xoxo"?

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