Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Difficulty: Medium
Photo by Mitchell Breedlove (Unsplash)
Brave New World is a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley, published in 1932. It is set in a futuristic World State, whose citizens are genetically engineered and conditioned into an intelligence-based social hierarchy.
1. Brave New World is set in the year 632 AF (After Ford), which equates to 2540 AD (or CE). When does the After Ford era date from?
2. The citizens in Brave New World are divided into five classes or castes: Alpha (the most intelligent), Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. Which caste is referred to as "semi-morons"?
3. The citizens of Brave New World are conditioned to conform by the teaching of many slogans and mottoes. Which of these is NOT one of them?
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