Thursday 23rd February 2023
    Difficulty: Hard

    Road sign typefaces (Quiz #97)

    A French road sign. Photo by <a href="">Hes Mundt</a>
    A French road sign. Photo by Hes Mundt (Unsplash)

    We take road signs for granted, but an amazing amount of work has gone into making them easy to read and understand while you're driving.

    1. Which of these typefaces is used on UK road signs?

    2. The typeface used on French road signs (and on this quiz's logo, above) is "Caractères". This is a sans-serif typeface, that can be further classified as...what?

    3. The "Motorway" typeface is used exclusively on UK motorways, and only contains selected letters, numbers, and characters. What word was added as a single character in 2007?

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