Tuesday 20th February 2024
    Difficulty: Hard

    Quicksand (Quiz #459)

    Questions by Mary Redfern

    Quicksand warning sign near Lower King Bridge, Albany, WA. Photo: Hughesdarren
    Quicksand warning sign near Lower King Bridge, Albany, WA. Photo: Hughesdarren (Creative Commons)

    Quicksand consists of fine granular material, such as sand, and water. When water in the sand cannot escape, it can create a liquefied soil that loses strength and cannot support weight. It's also a surprisingly common hazard in films.

    1. Lifting a submerged foot out of quicksand at a rate of 1cm/s would require a force equivalent to what?

    2. Which of these would become completely submerged in quicksand? 

    3. In which decade of film did quicksand have its heyday, appearing in just under 3% of films (according to Slate.com)?

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