Tuesday 13th February 2024
    Difficulty: Medium

    Line of succession (Quiz #452)

    Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@levidjones?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Levi Jones</a>
    Photo by Levi Jones (Unsplash)

    The line of succession to the British throne shows the order in which the crown is inherited. For example, Prince William is first in line, and will become King in the event of Charles III's unfortunate demise.

    1. Anne, Princess Royal, is 17th in the line of succession. But what was her position when she was born?

    2. Where is Prince Andrew in the line of succession?

    3. What are the top six people in the line of succession unable to do without the monarch's permission?

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