Sunday 28th May 2023
Difficulty: Medium
Questions by Richard Tesh
Photo by Benjamin Elliott (Unsplash)
Sheffield United FC is a football club in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, founded in 1889, whose fans claim to have a rich history of songs and chants.
1. The most famous of Sheffield United's supporters' songs is The Greasy Chip Butty Song, sung to the tune of which song by John Denver?
2. The Greasy Chip Butty Song glorifies life in Sheffield, including nightlife, beer and tobacco products as well as the eponymous chip butty. How much Magnet beer does the song recommend you should drink, in order to get the same thrill as watching Sheffield United?
3. According to Yorkshire Live, what song did Sheffield United fans invent, first sung in 1894 and aimed at their own goalkeeper, William ‘Fatty’ Foulke?
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