Wednesday 12th April 2023
    Difficulty: Very easy

    The Joys of Spring (Quiz #145)

    Photo by <a href="">Arno Smit</a>
    Photo by Arno Smit (Unsplash)

    Questions based on The Observer article "The joys of spring", which gives 56 pieces of advice for making the most of spring.

    1. Now that spring has sprung, which activity are you encouraged to resume because "finally you don’t need gloves and the wind in your hair doesn’t feel like a precursor to hypothermia."

    2. According to the article, "an easy woodworking lesson for kids as well as adults" is to turn plywood offcuts into... WHAT?

    3. To what fruit or vegetable does this apply: "Cut ————— in half, spread the seeds on a piece of kitchen roll and leave to dry for a day or two. Then, tear off the seeds, kitchen roll and all, poke them into a tray or pot of compost, cover with a clear plastic bag and leave on a windowsill. In a week or so you’ll have seedlings – pot them on and, this summer, enjoy your free bounty."

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