Tuesday 21st January 2025
    Difficulty: Very easy

    They think it’s all over (Quiz #795)

    Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@flyd2069?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">FlyD</a>
    Photo by FlyD (Unsplash)

    1. Who scored the goal that was accompanied by the famous commentary: "Some people are on the pitch! They think it's all over! (Goal scored) It is now, it's four!"?

    2. What was the title of the Rolling Stones's first UK number 1?

    3. "It's all over bar the shouting" means that the outcome (of a contest) is inevitable, although the result has not actually been announced. Which of these has NOT been suggested as the origin of the phrase?

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